Monday, 30 April 2012

Why Test?

Why is software testing?
As a software tester, our goal is to find the defects in software. It requires creating and executing many tests.
It involves the following steps:
1.      Identifying the defects:
   The main purpose of software testing is to identify the defects.
   Defect – A flow in a component or system that can cause the component or system to fail to perform its required function.
2.      Isolate the defects:
   Isolating means separation or dividing the defects. These isolated defects are collected in the defect profile.
3.      Subjected for rectification:
   The defect profile is subjected for rectification means it is send to developer
4.      Defects are rectified:
   Before defining it as a quality product, make sure all the defects are rectified.

When all the steps are completed we can say that software testing is completed. So this is the process in which the defects are identified, isolated and subjected for rectification and finally make sure that all the defects are rectified in order to ensure that the product is a quality product.

What is Quality in Software Testing: - Justification of user requirements or satisfaction of user requirements.

Performance vs Load vs Stress Testing

Performance testing - It is performed to evaluate the performance of components of a particular system in a specific situation. It very wide term. It includes: Load Testing, Stress Testing, capacity testing, volume testing, endurance testing, spike testing, scalability testing and reliability testing etc. This type of testing generally does not give pass or fail. It is basically done to set the benchmark & standard of the application against Concurrency / Throughput, Server response time, Latency, Render response time etc. In other words, you can say it is technical & formal evaluation for responsiveness, speed, scalability and stability characteristics.

Load Testing is subset of performance testing. It is done by constantly increasing the load on the application under test till the time it reaches the threshold limit. The main goal of load testing is to identify the upper limit of the system in terms of database, hardware and network etc. The common goal of doing the load testing is to set the SLAs for the application. Example of load testing can be:

Running multiple applications on a computer simultaneously - starting with one application, then start second application, then third and so on....Now see the performance of your computer.

Endurance test is also a part of load testing which used to calculate metrics like Mean Time between Failure and Mean Time to Failure.
Load Testing helps to determine:

·      Throughput
·      Peak Production Load
·      Adequacy of H/W environment
·      Load balancing requirements
·      How many users application can handle with optimal performance results
·      How many users hardware can handle with optimal performance results

Stress testing - It is done to evaluate the application's behaviour beyond normal or peak load conditions. It is basically testing the functionality of the application under high loads. Normally these are related to synchronization issues, memory leaks or race conditions etc. Some testing experts also call it as fatigue testing. Sometimes, it becomes difficult to set up a controlled environment before running the test. Example of Stress testing is:

A banking application can take a maximum user load of 20000 concurrent users. Increase the load to 21000 and do some transaction like deposit or withdraw. As soon as you did the transaction, banking application server database will sync with ATM database server. Now check with the user load of 21000 does this sync happened successfully. Now repeat the same test with 22000 thousand concurrent users and so on.

Spike test is also a part of stress testing which is performed when application is loaded with heavy loads repeatedly and increase beyond production operations for short duration.
Stress Testing helps to determine:

·      Errors in slowness & at peak user loads
·      Any security loop holes with over loads
·      How the hardware reacts with over loads
·      Data corruption issues at over loads

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Ordinal Identifier in QTP

Ordinal identifier is the one of the most important property of any object. You can see this property at right side of object repository window in QTP. Press Ctrl+R to open object repository window.

The ordinal identifier assigns the object a numerical value that indicates its order relative to other objects with an otherwise identical description (objects that have the same values for all properties specified in the mandatory and assistive property lists). This ordered value enables QTP to create a unique description when the mandatory and assistive properties are not sufficient to do so.

In addition, even if QTP learns an ordinal identifier, it will use the identifier during the run session only if the learned description and the Smart Identification mechanism are not sufficient to identify the object in your application. If QTP can use other identification properties to identify the object during a run session, the ordinal identifier is ignored.

QTP can use the following types of ordinal identifiers to identify an object:

  • Index. Indicates the order in which the object appears in the application code relative to other objects.
  • Location. Indicates the order in which the object appears within the parent window, frame, or dialog box relative to other objects.
  • CreationTime. (Browser objects only.) Indicates the order in which the browser was opened relative to other open browsers.

By: Mann Bhammar
      Test Analyst

What is Back End Testing and Its Importance

What is back end testing?

Back-end testing is testing a system that runs behind the front-end (GUI Applications). It can be Database testing, Server Side testing.

Talking about Database testing, it can involve:
-> Data validity testing
-> Data integrity testing
-> Performance related to Database specially when working with Views and Indexes.
-> Testing of procedures, functions and triggers.

Server Side testing can involve the servers running on Unix (Solaris, AIX)/Linux, mainframes systems. The parameter to be monitored can be:
-> Server logs
-> Jvm logs (If it’s a Java based application)
-> Checking the Garbage Collector (GC) values and see if it’s happening properly or not by tuning its parameters properly.
-> Server downtime
-> Sever response time
-> Checking batch processes in UNIX

Why is Back end testing required?

Assume that you're thinking client-server or web. If you test the application on the front end only you can see if the data was stored and retrievd correctly. You can't see if the servers are in an error state or not. Many server processes are monitored by another process. If they crash, they are restarted. You can't see that without looking at it. 
The data may not be stored correctly either but the front end may have cached data lying around and it will use that instead. The least you should be doing is verifying the data as stored in the 
It is easier to test data being transferred on the boundaries and see the results of those transactions when you can set the data in a driver. 

Friday, 27 April 2012

【Ken】Test Automation for Test analyst


When software tester does the steps of manual test cases used by automation tool is to reduce the time of testing life cycle.  Most of the test could be required to do lots of regression process and it could be overcome by using the automation tool.  And also automation tool is more reliable than human tester’s mistake. Test Analyst should well considered the test plan and manual test case into the automation process.

Save time with Automation

We now know that automation could help us to save the time of testing process, but we are wondering how it exactly working to reduce the test life cycle of the project. Automation may help tester to do consistent test execution than human does the manually. The Automation may process by data driven process with repeating action by reliable manner. It may use again the told test case easily. Tester shouldn’t need to do the entire step from the scratch because they find the some errors in the middle of the project.

Comparison of Automation life cycle and test case life cycle

Automation life cycle could work with manual test case driven life cycle.  However there are many things that considered before automation is being planned. What application that we are going to test is very critical. If It windows application or web application, then it will influence the factor of stability of AUT(Application unit test). Nobody wants to do the same things again and again. Automation could cut down the regression process.  There are many different app platform is available today. So, test analyst should well study the App platform that might be compatible to testing. Return of Investment is important reason to do automation testing. Many company that does the Cost benefit analysis, they are saving huge amount budget with perform well with automation testing with their products.

Situation that suitable to adopt the automation testing

If there is regression testing cycle and prepare the multiple release and build version. If you check the build version of window it has got lots of number of build. Some software and products requires many testing. If the application is very large and requires continues to care the bug fixes with test recently.
What QTP support for application and platform.
QTP initially support the windows application and web application (objects/ Application), Active X and Visual basic applications. However it also support Java,Net windows,  Web service etc depends on the status of the add –ins

Test Automation stages

First, Test analyst creates the test scripts. Seconds, Run the tests on automation tool. Third, Test analyst does analysing the test result from the automation tool report.
Software Testing Process with Automation Tool
Step one (Creating Tests), Test analyst create a test script with hand operating application on the AUT with automation tool.  Tool will generate the entire step that user create action and will display in tree view windows. Step two (Running Tests), Automation tool is running the record. Test analyst could identify and eliminated the bug in the test script. Third (Test report) Test analyst review the test result.


Test Analyst
Software Engineer

Software Testing Enquiry:

【Ken】QTP - Web: Simple Testing- Chrome

I recorded the web application with QTP.

It's really simple thing but it shows how to find the keyword View and Expert view of QTP.

And How to record and run the automated test.

Because I run the browser with Google Chrome so, System Util Run find the path of Chorme.

SystemUtil.Run "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe","","C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application","open"

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

What are the drawbacks of record and playback method in QTP? And what is the solution to overcome these drawbacks?

There are following reasons why record and playback method has lots of drawbacks:
  • If the objects in the application are dynamic, then record and playback is not useful. In such case objects will not be identified.
  • If you are recording large application then QTP needs to store more number of objects in object repository. QTP performance may decrease when the object repository becomes too large, due to the number of objects added.  As the object repository increases, more resources are required to recognize the objects, which may decrease performance.
  • Object descriptions redundancy: suppose application has 3 navigation buttons on each page say Cancel, next & back buttons and while you record it stores same object description for all pages you navigated while recording.
  • We cannot insert conditional and loop statements if it is only record and playback. You cannot enhance your script in record mode.

Descriptive programming is way to overcome the drawback of record and playback method.


Descriptive Programming is the way of instructing QTP to identify the objects without object repository. In other word, Programming (VBScript) is done without using the object repository is called descriptive programming. To do this we provide QTP the list of properties & values, that qtp can use to identify the object on which we want to perform the operation.

For example if you have unstable application i.e Properties might change or Name of the Object might change and so on. If these frequent changes are happening in an application then we will go for descriptive programming. 

E.G. 1: ("windowid:=2342143")

E.G. 2: Browser("creationtime:=2").Page("title:=Google Search").Link("text:=Codes").Click

BY - Mann Bhammar
         Test Analyst

【Ken】Disable Sound in Windows Server 2003

In order to improve the speed of VMware,

I recommend to switch off the Windows Audio and other hardware device.

How to disable the Sound in windows server 2003

Start > Run > Type "Serveices.msc"  then click Enter

Find the "Windows Audio " Services > Properties ---> Select Disable.

Software Engineer &Tester
Software Testing Forum

Monday, 23 April 2012

【Ken】Best 3rd Party disk partition software

  • Partition Magic
  • EASEUS-Partition-Manager-Server
I would recommend those partition software.

Just be aware of that if someone have Server OS, it won't work for standard version.

For those who have Server version OS like server 2003, server 2008 needed the

Partition software for Server.

【Ken】Useful Free Screen Capture Software

I often capture the screen of computer for saving work image.

Many people are using default "Print Screen" on the keyword and paste it to the "MS paint" program to store or edit.

It's fine but it is really tidious job to do it when we caputure so many times.

I found that Freeware "ScreenHunter Free" is very useful and it work perfectly for capture screen and save it very easily.

Size: 11.03 MB
Price: Free
OS: Windows

It had rating as spectacular with 5 stars at CNET Editor's Rating.

Here is download Link:

Software Engineer/Software Tester
Software Testing Forum 

Sunday, 22 April 2012

【Ken】Enable to remove CTRL+ALT+DEL of Server 2003

When we are working on project with windows server 2003.

Sometime, Windows lock the screen after certain idle time.

We can use CTRL+ALT+DEL and insert password to access the window.

However, It is really annoying procedure for doing this many time.

It is not recommend for security reason, but it may useful for tester who required to read document alot and come back to screen.



Type "gpedit.msc".


Change the PROPERTIES.

That's it.

System won't lock down after certain idle time.

Software Engineer
Software Tester Forum

Friday, 20 April 2012

Debug Viewer Pane in QTP

Debug Viewer:

The Debug Viewer pane contains three tabs to assist you in debugging your test or function library—Watch, Variables, and Command. To view the Debug Viewer pane, click the Debug Viewer button or choose View > Debug Viewer.

Watch:- The Watch tab enables you to view the current value of any variable or VBScript expression that you added to the Watch tab.

Variables:- During a run session, the Variables tab displays the current value of all variables that have been recognized up to the last step performed in the run session.

Command:- The Command tab enables you to execute a line of script in order to set or modify the current value of a variable or VBScript object in your test. When you continue the run session, QuickTest uses the new value that was set in the command.

By: Mann Bhammar
      Test Analyst

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Systemutil.Run and Option Explicit in QTP


Systemutil is an object which is used to control application and processes a run session. Run is one of the methods of systemutil object.

SystemUtil.Run ( FileName, Parameters, Path, Operation )

FileName - The name of the file you want to run.

Parameters - If the specified FileName is an executable file, use the Parameters argument to specify any parameters to be passed to the application.

Path - The default directory of the application or file.

Operation - The action to be performed. If this argument is blank (""), the open operation is performed.

Example using all arguments except parameters:

Systemutil.Run “mann.txt” , “” , “C:\documents\mann” , “1”

Wait 2

This above example open the txt file mann which is saved in C:\documents drive and wait for 2 seconds.

Example using parameters:

Systemutil.Run “iexplore.exe” , “”

Above example with run .exe file and open the browser.

SystemUtil.Run opens any kind of application window based or web based.

Option Explicit:

Option explicit we declare at the top of the script so that we can declare every variable as Dim or other data types. Sometimes we do not declare variables, in that situation it shows error if 'option explicit' is on in the script.

If we are using Option Explicit, then variable declaration in VBscript becomes compulsory/mandatory to declare. But it is not mandatory in VBscript.

If you don’t use 'Option Explicit' then no need of declaring the variables.

However, Option Explicit method is a good practice, because it is easy to find errors. If you don’t use Option Explicit and when you misspell the variable name later in your script, and that can cause strange results when your script is running.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Object Repository: QTP

What is Object Repository in QTP?

It is a storage place of QTP where we can store the objects information and it also acts as interface between the test script and the AUT in order to identify the objects during the execution.

So what is Object?

Object is something, which has structure and properties.
What are the software objects: We call them windows, WebPages, Web Buttons, Edit Boxes, Check Boxes etc.

Types of Objects in QTP: There are four types of objects available in QTP.
  1. Run time objects
  2. Test Objects
  3. Utility Objects
  4. Automation Objects/User defined objects
There are two types of repository available in QTP.

1. Local Repository (.MTR extension)
2. Shared Repository (.TSR extension)

Local Repository: QTP creates a Local Repository for every action automatically during Recording. That cannot be shared among tests. User can add some more objects to Local repository. User can perform rename, delete operations in Local Repository. As it is QTP internal file user no need to sav modification.
Navigation: Once QTP is Launched --> Go to Main Menu-->Resources --> Object Repository (Short KEY Ctrl+R)
Shared Repository: User (Test Engineer) creates shared repository by adding objects. That can be shared among number of tests. Using this method user can perform modification on objects easily.

By: Mann Bhammar
      Test Analyst

What are Keyword & Expert views in QTP?

There are two views in QTP for creating tests, Keyword View & Expert view.
Keyword View:
It’s view which allows you to create tests in modular or table format.
Keyword View is QTP’s default test procedure interface. It displays the automation steps of a test procedure as a descriptive tree of actions and functions. The tree contains columns listing the action or function name, parameters, and comments. This mode is useful for the beginners. This view allows the user to select the objects either from the application or from the Object Repository and the user can select the methods to be performed on those objects. The script is automatically generated. Users can also set checkpoints from the keyword view. Users without technical knowledge may be able to understand the Keyword View, but more experienced users and users needing to perform more complicated actions may need to switch to Expert View.
Expert View:
Expert view is simply enables you to write tests as scripts. It displays the test script in VB script format.
Expert view is an alternative to Keyword view. The Expert View displays the same steps and objects as the Keyword View, but in a different format. But as the name suggests this view is for people who are expert in VB scripting.
In Expert View, QTP allows display and editing of the test’s source code using VBScript. All test actions can be edited here except for the root Global action. Expert View acts as an IDE for the test. It includes many standard IDE features, such as breakpoints.

By: Mann Bhammar
      Test Analyst

Different Types of Checkpoints in QTP

Quick Test Professional offers the following types of checkpoints:
Checkpoint Type
Example of Use
Standard Checkpoint
Checks values of an object’s properties.
Check that a radio button is selected.
Image Checkpoint
Checks the property values of an image.
Check that the image source file is correct.
Table Checkpoint
Checks information in a table.
Check that the value in a table cell is correct.
Page Checkpoint
Checks the characteristics of a Web page.
Check how long a Web page takes to load or if a Web page contains broken links.
Text / Text Area Checkpoint
Checks that a text string is displayed in the appropriate place in a Web page or application window.
Check whether the expected text string is displayed in the expected location.
Bitmap Checkpoint
Checks an area of a Web page or application after capturing it as a bitmap
Check that a Web page (or any portion of it) is displayed as expected.
Database Checkpoint
Checks the contents of databases accessed by an application or Web site
Check that the value in a database query is correct.
Accessibility Checkpoint
Identifies areas of a Web site to check for Section 508 compliancy.
Check if the images on a Web page include ALT properties, required by the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.
XML Checkpoint
Checks the data content of XML documents.
Note: XML file checkpoints are used to check a specified XML file; XML application checkpoints are used to check an XML document within a Web page.

By: Mann Bhammar
      Test Analyst

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

【Ken】VM Converter

VMware Converter do some cool thing like convert physical machine to VM machine.

Automate and simplify physical to virtual machine conversions as well as conversions between virtual machine formats with VMware vCenter Converter.

Use the intuitive wizard-driven interface of VMware vCenter Converter to transform physical machines to virtual machines.

Convert Microsoft Windows and Linux-based physical machines and third-party image formats to VMware virtual machines.

Complete multiple conversions simultaneously with a centralized management console.
Minimize the number of steps to conversion with easy-to-use wizards.


Software Engineer

【Ken】How to increase the VMware disk space?

Once you may installed the VMware with recommend size of disk space.

It could be 30 GB (example).

As user installed more program, the Disk space of the VM is going to reduce for sure.

How can we increase the size of the disk space.

1) VM setting --> Select the Disk space ---> expand

Is it fixed the problem? No..

2) Because VMware it self doesn't have partition change ability to expand the VM OS disk space

Easy way to fix the problem is download the 3rd party disk partition software and installed it.

changed the the VM OS disk size to allocated disk space.

It will fixed the disk space shortage of VM OS disks.

I had installed Android API list to the VM with 5 GB disk space. then it used up most of space as download the API through Internet. I do the above step to manage for increasing disk space from 5GB to 10 GB without problem.

Software Engineer

QTP: Introduction & Testing Process

Introduction: Quick Test Professional (QTP) is an automated functional Graphical User Interface (GUI) testing tool that allows the automation of user actions on a web or client based computer application.
It is primarily used for functional regression test automation. QTP uses a scripting language built on top of VBScript to specify the test procedure, and to manipulate the objects and controls of the application under test.

QTP Testing Process: (7 stages)

1. Planning: Create Test Plan
Prepare the Record & Run Settings
a.Web Application
b.Windows Application
2. Generate Basic Script /Create Object Repository: Develop the Automation Test Script
3. Enhancing Tests: Do sum amendments like wait properties etc as required to run script successfully.
4. Debugging Tests: Verifying the test script
5. Running Tests: Run the Script
6. Analyzing Results: Summarized the Test Result.
7. Reporting Defects: Manually report the bug or use Bug Reporting Tool like Bugzilla or Quality Center.

By: Mann Bhammar
      Test Analyst

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Behavioural Interview Question

Prepare for questions you are likely to be asked:

  • Tell me about yourself – think about what you are passionate about and give them a quick overview of you (2-3 sentences)
  • What are your reasons for leaving your last position?
  • What are your greatest strengths? What areas do you need to develop?
  • Why are you interested in this position?
  • What do you consider to be your greatest accomplishment?
  • What was your most significant contribution during your last role?
  • What are your goals?
  • What do you know about our organisation? Why do you want to work for us?
  • How would your last boss and colleagues describe you?
  • Which of your previous jobs have you liked the best? Why? Are there any roles you have not liked? Why
  • What was the most difficult decision you have ever had to make?
  • What are your salary expectations?
  • What are you looking for out of your next job?

When answering questions:

  • Use ‘I’ not ‘We’
  • Always give a high-level answer first unless specifically asked for details
  • When you have finished answering a question, at times you might want to ask ‘Have I answered the question thoroughly?’ or ‘Would you like me to go into more detail?’ This will assure you that you have not left out any details the interviewer might be looking for.
  • Try to match the interviewers’ demeanour. If they are relaxed, try not to be overly serious.

Friday, 13 April 2012

What is a User Story?

A story describes desired functionality from the customer(user) perspective.
A good user story describes the desired functionality, who wants it, and how and why
the functionality will be used.
The basic components of a User Story are sometimes dubbed as the three C's:
 1.Card - the written description of the story, serves as and identification, reminder, and also helps in planning.
 2.Conversation - this is the meat of the story; the dialogue that is carried out with the users; recorded notes; mockups; documents exchanged.
 3.Confirmation - the acceptance test criteria that the user will utilize to confirm that the story is completed.

A user story is not technical.

A well-written user story follows the INVEST model

Let's see what each one means:
 ■Independent - One user story should be independent of another (as much as possible).
                        Dependencies between stories make planning, prioritization, and estimation much
                        more difficult. Often enough, dependencies can be reduced by either combining stories
                        into one or by splitting the  stories differently.
 ■Negotiable - A user story is negotiable. The "Card" of the story is just a short description of the
                 story which do not include details. The details are worked out during the
                "Conversation" phase. A "Card" with too   much detail on it actually limits conversation 
                 with the customer.
 ■Valuable - Each story has to be of value to the customer (either the user or the purchaser). One
                  very good way of  making stories valuable is to get the customer to write them. Once a 
                  customer realizes that a user story  is not a contract and is negotiable, they will be
                  much more comfortable writing stories.
 ■Estimable - The developers need to be able to estimate (at a ballpark even) a user story to allow
                   prioritization   and planning of the story. Problems that can keep developers from
                   estimating a story are: lack of domain   knowledge (in which case there is a need for    
                   more Negotiation/Conversation); or if the story is too big  (in which case the story 
                   needs to be broken down into smaller stories).
 ■Small - A good story should be small in effort, typically representing no more, than 2-3 person 
                 weeks of effort. A story which is more than that in effort can have more errors
                 associated with scoping and estimation.
 ■Testable - A story needs to be testable for the "Confirmation" to take place.
            Remember, we do not develop what we cannot test. If you can't test it then you will never   
             know when you are done. An example of non-testable story: "software should be easy to  


Well-written User Stories are cornerstones for Agile Development.
They should be independent of each other; the details should be negotiated between the users and the developers;
the stories should be of value to the users; they should be clear enough for developers to be able to estimate them;
they should be small; and they should be testable through the use of pre-defined test

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Agile Scrum

Agile Scrum - An Overview
Many of us have experienced projects that drag on much longer than expected and cost more than planned. Companies looking to improve their software development processes are now exploring how Agile can help their Enterprise more reliably deliver software quickly, iteratively and with a feature set that hits that mark. While Agile has different "flavors", Scrum is one process for implementing Agile. This Article will discuss the Agile Scrum process and will end with variants of Scrum that can be used to aid in improving your software releases.

So what is Agile?
According to Wikipedia, Agile software development is a conceptual framework for software engineering that promotes development iterations throughout the life-cycle of the project. Simply put, Agile allows your team to identify the most critical features of the software that can be completed within a short time frame (normally 1 to 2 months), and it delivers a complete build with this set of limited features as the first iteration. Once that is done, you can move those features to production or continue on to the next iteration. By breaking the releases into shorter stints, it allows you to gain quicker releases and to capture return on investment more quickly by putting the working (but limited) features into production sooner. This is in stark contrast to the more traditional "Waterfall" approach, where you design all features upfront, code each one, test each one, then move into production. Agile projects are iteratively released to production months where Waterfall projects normally span a year or more before they are released to production.

So what is Scrum?
Scrum is process of implementing Agile, where features are delivered in 30 day sprints. Scrum borrows its name from Rugby, where a sprint is the process of stopping play, then vigorously playing until the sprint ends and a new one begins. The same idea applies here, where you define the requirements for a 30 day sprint and work on them with vigor for 30 days without being sidetracked by other things or having things re-prioritized. A specific feature is not recognized as being completed until it is analyzed, designed, coded, tested, re-factored and documented. At the end of the 30 day sprint, most features defined in the 30-day sprint should be completed. If some did not get finished (because of being underestimated), the uncompleted features can be moved to a later sprint. A sprint is considered successful if all the completed features have high quality and can be put into production (or beta) upon ending the sprint.

By: Mann Bhammar
      Test Analyst


SeeNowDo is a hosted online service. It allows
Agile and Scrum teams to collaborate with highly interactive digital taskboards.
IT IS NOT a comprehensive Agile Project Management tool.
IT IS NOT a project repository.
IT IS NOT a reporting system.
IT IS NOT intended to solve all your tooling needs. Taskboards - that's it!
SeeNowDo is designed for distributed Agile and Scrum teams.
It is intended for those teams who want to take advantage of collaborative taskboards across distributed teams.
Teams can use SeeNowDo to quickly create a digital taskboard that is instantly synchronized after any update.

It is completely free. No annoying ads. No expiring "Trial" period. SeeNowDo is provided free courtesy of BigVisible Solutions.

Difference between SQL and MySQL

Comparing SQL and MySQL is like comparing Apple and Apple Juice. SQL is a language.  Specifically, the "Structured Query Language" MySQL is one of several database systems, or RDMS (Relational Database Management System).  MySQL is one of several RDMS's, others of which are Oracle, Informix, Postgres, and MSQL. All of these RDMSs use SQL as their language.  Each of them has minor variations in the "dialect" of SQL that they use, but it's all still SQL.

SQL is used to manipulate database or to create a database. It's actually a common language. MySQL is an actual computer application. You must need to download or collect it and install it. MySQL is one of the most popular open source database management system. MySQL has an SQL interpreter.MySQL can be used as the back engine database for several kinds of applications and it's one of the best choice for many web programmers for web-base application.

Basically, the difference between SQL and MySQL is the same as the difference between Spanish and Mexicans.   Spanish is a language.  Mexicans are one of a group of people that use Spanish.  Mexican Spanish and Spaniard Spanish are mildly different in dialects, but they're still Spanish.

Difference between Apache and IIS

Apache is a software foundation that develops and provides open source software that is meant to run web servers. Their primary product is their HTTP server which is the most popular HTTP server in use today. IIS or Internet Information Services is the software pack developed by Microsoft to provide their Windows operating system the ability to host internet services. IIS is second only to HTTP as the most used HTTP server in the world.
The Apache web server is very popular due to the fact that is free. This is very advantageous to those who are just trying out web publishing and is still unsure about it. Apache is most commonly included in a totally free web server solution called LAMP (Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP) which is a collection of open source software that would totally handle all of your web publishing needs from the OS down to the scripting language. Aside from being free, the open source community is also a good source of support for users who have the time and patience to ask for answers.
IIS is from Microsoft and thus it would only run on the Microsoft Windows OS. Although it might seem to be free, the fact that you need to buy Windows to use it shatters that dream. The clear advantage with running IIS is the fact most people are already familiar with the Windows operating system and IIS would be a lot easier to learn for Windows users. IIS also comes with the support of the .NET Framework released by Microsoft; in fact, ASPX scripts are exclusive to IIS. Support for IIS is provided by Microsoft which is an assurance that you would have answers to your problems direct from the makers themselves.

The IIS Windows combo is both a boon and bane for users. The fact that they are made by the same company assures you that they would operate at the best capacity with each other. The only problem with the Windows OS is its too popular and a lot of malware, virus, and Trojans exist on the Windows OS. Even more are being created everyday and that might pose a threat in the future.
·         Apache is free while IIS is packaged with Windows.
·         IIS only runs on Windows while Apache can run on almost any OS including UNIX, Apple’s OS X, and on most Linux Distributions.
·          ASPX runs only in IIS.
·         IIS has a dedicated staff to answer most problems while support for Apache comes from the community itself.
·         IIS is optimized for Windows because they are from the same company.
·         The Windows OS is prone to security risks.