IIS stands for Internet Information Services.
It’s a group of Internet servers (including a web or hypertext Transfer
Protocol server and a File Transfer Protocol) with additional capabilities for Microsoft’s
Windows NT and Windows 2000 server operating systems.
IIS is used to make the computer as a web
server. If we want to have a web server for developing dynamic website or want
to publish web site on our own server then we install the IIS. IIS is used on
windows platform. For other platform we have different web servers (Example:
Apache for Linux)
IIS takes a request from user and executes the required files
and sends result back to the user. It also provides the services of SMTP
(Simple Mail Transport Protocol). We can send emails using SMTP.
SMTP is protocol for sending e=mail message between server. Many of e-mail system on server are using SMTP to send email to one another. You can use SMPT to send message from a mail client to a mail server. So, this time we might think that what is protocol for retrieve e=mail from a mail server. Such as Outlooks, Thunderbird are example of email client, in other formal called as “mail user agent(MUA)”